The Tenth Inning
 The Tenth Inning Blog
Periodically, I will post new entries about current baseball topics.  The posts will typically be a mixture of commentary, history, facts, and stats.  Hopefully, they will provoke some  of your thoughts or emotions. Clicking on the word "Comments" associated with each post below will open a new dialog box to enter or retrieve any feedback.
Flashback: Phenom Boo Ferriss took the baseball world by storm in mid-1940s

This week’s blog post is a story about Dave “Boo” Ferriss and his first two seasons as a major leaguer with the Boston Red Sox in 1945-46. He won more games in his first two seasons that anyone in history, except Grover Cleveland Alexander. Ferriss became an instant sensation in New England, and the rest of the country found out about him when The Sporting News put his caricature on the front page of a June 1945 issue. He was a “phenom” before the word became popular in describing budding stars.

Click the link below to another of my websites where the story about Ferriss is posted, including photos and images.

Flashback: Phenom Boo Ferriss took the baseball world by storm in mid-1940s | Baseball's Relatives (

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